Fashion Sketches

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Plastic, Fantastic... BARBIE!!!

I had this day been mapped out ever since I have heard that Barbie would be part of the incoming season of Fashion Week.

Luckily, I manage to have tickets to the show... Talk about friends!!! ahihiihi... I don't have to buy anything for the tickets!!!!! ^_^ I even filed a vacay leave just to watch the show.

I even designed and had my Barbie inspired outfit made. hehehehe.... "A "for effort!!!! ^_^

Now, the illusive day of the show arrived. While I was lounging with my partner, a very interesting text message was received. Nancy (we met her a few years back from the annual warehouse sale that B's having every year) from B's distributor in our country was asking for my number. Then my partner gave her my number. Then after a few minutes, my mobile phone rang. I was having a great time that I can get to watch Barbie during fashion week but being offered to showcase my creation as a part of her 50th anniversary and DURING FASHION WEEK?! My life couldn't get any better!!! ^_^.

To tell you honestly, I panicked. I have no idea which doll to bring. But, I managed to come up with dolls to bring. hehehhe... It was a very challenging day to say the least. I have planned my day ahead. I allotted time to finish my outfit but, with the exhibit, I realized that I was pressed for time.

We left the house earlier than expected. I even finished my garb inside the car. Master crammer in the house!!!! LOL

We made it to the venue (but I was a wee bit late).

OOOhhhh!! as if the Heaven's opend

Our contact person immediately greeted us and showed us our designated booth. I was happy to see that there awas a pedestal alloted for us. So my partner and I managed to setup the dolls thanks to our dollstands (AVAILABLE FOR SALE).

The display was fab! BUT WAIT THERE"S MORE!!! What struck me most is when after we were done with the setup, A glass case was placed to protect my dolls. That would be the cherry on the top!!!

Everything was in place and I was just waiting for the actual show. I was happy on how my dolls were received by the public. They were happy with my display.While waiting for the show to start I took a few photos around the venue!!!

I get so sit on a very spiffy pink couch beside a life size die cut photo of Barbie ( Cool gown!!!)

This is one of my favorite Barbie Illustrations!!! (you can see more in my joint blog with my partner at

I even met Karylle(a local celeb in our country). A vert nice lady indeed and talk about a mile long legs...She was a doll!! She told me that she remembered me from my KMJS Barbie feature

Funny, I was slouching in this photo and she asked me why I was slouching. hehehehehhe.... ^_^

So we had another shot with me standing properly... ^_^

This was the last shot we had!!! I really like her a lot she's very pretty an classy too!!!

I guess the universe wanted me to whatch the show SOOO BAD that our contact even gave me additional 4 tickets... so there is no way I couldn't watch the show....

(on left) This is where we sat along with my hubby, My best friend LC, My brother and my "future" S-I-L Peppy-lou!!!

(below): while waiting. (my hubby took this shot. ^_^

The Lights dimmed and the show began...

ABOVE: One of my favorite designs ^_^

ABOVE: This is my all time fave ♥ ^_^ ♥

ABOVE: I also like this one!!! ^_^

The show was a total eye candy!!! ^_^ I love every moment of it!!! Although I would have loved it more if it was held at the SMX. ^_^ Nonetheless, ALAVEET!!!!!

After the show. We took more photos of course!!!!
I have to wait for the whole mall to close before I can get my kids that were on display.
To cap it all, the event swag was not that bad even. It is loaded with surprises. All in all, the day went pretty well!! well not well !!!
ÜBER Fab!!!

Just looking back what happend last week still gives me goose bumps. First was the TV feature and now this one... I hope there's still something in store for me. I am excited!!! I can now officially say that I've been part of Barbie's Grand Birthday!!! Happy Birthday B!!!! Thanks for the wonderful memories!!! I think this would be my longest blog... So I guess I have to stop just... right... now.... Till next!!! Tootles! ^_^

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Greatest Show on Earth....

Hello! For this entry. I'll show you a celebrity with a very interesting life its like a three ring circus... if you know what I mean... Well here she is... THE ONE AND ONLY... Take a guess.....
^_^ Well Britney of course!!!!

Here is the original factory paint... I rebodied her and did a major overhaul... the hair.. the make up... the usual... ihihihihi... Drumroll please......BRRRRRR..... TADA!!!!

I made the outfit inspired by the gown she wore on the Circus album cover. I have no idea how the res of the gown looks like especially the bottom part so I just made it what I thought it would look like.

My brother said that it looked like a cotton candy... woopi! it was the look I was aiming for since cotton candies can be found in the circus.

One thing I like about her is that she manage to comeback eventhough she had a hard time the first time around. Just like in customizing. Like the energizer bunny, no matter how tiring it is... In customizing you can always can go On and on and on.... TIll next blog!!! Tootles!!! ^_^

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Plastic Dreams

As a collector, we all want to showcase our dolls. I figured to release a generic doll stand. Yep I decided to sell doll stands. My partner and I also made this part of our brand N.Y.A. Take a looksie!

Here are the dolls that can be used for the stands.
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I hope you guys would support us in this endeavor. I also take bulk orders and discounts are available
for such. Feel free to contact me in my mobile for queries. its 09154321980.
Till my next blog! Tootles! ^_^

NYA Dolls logo

Monday, May 18, 2009

You Can Never Go Back!

For the longest time I've been in love with a particular facemold of Barbie. Actually, It's not Barbie's it's her friend. Her name is Steffie and from then on the face mold was known as the steffie face mold. She's not your average face. She has this chameleon pout that can make her into a innocent dame into a seductive temptress. She doesn't come by that much recently except for collectors Item or model muse bodied dolls.

For the love of Steffie, I decided to make an OOAK doll. African American Steffies are hard to come by. So I dyed mine and turn her into ebony black. I flocked the hair with a contrast corn blonde hair.

Borrowed some fashion from my other dolls et voila!!!

I guess she got tired from all the posing... heheheheh ;)

Isn't she fab! She may not be the usual celebrity doll projects that I usually make. But I am pretty sure that she's a celebrity in her own right.
Till next blog!!! Tootles!!! ^_^

Monday, May 11, 2009

Barracuda!!! Revised

Finally! I am done with the last installment! Here she is!

This is the best photo I found I especially like her lip color here.

Actually, I have painted her freckles if you look closely you can see it slightly showing...
look a little harder... closer.. closer... ^_^ Try clicking the photo for a larger
view then you can see her freckles.

I like this photo so much!!! So Asian!!! :D It shows her features in the right places...
Till next blog!!! Tootles!!! ;)

My hubby thought that Lucy Looked like a litte washed out so I added some eyeshadow on the lids... Well if you ask me she looked too natural... as if Lucy is not wearing any makeup at all... after a few touch ups... Voila!