Fashion Sketches

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bigger Heads

Lately, a friend asked me to repaint his 16" dolls at first it was difficult. But then again it's easier to add details.

The dolls actually have the same facemold. so the owner asked me to make the first one a little slutty and the other one a bit innocent.



(eew.. dirty nails... sorry... hehehehehe)


Come to think of it. It's quite fascinating how something so similar but with a little of make up tricks can be so different.

For the next doll, it's an Elle doll that I repainted. I don't have the before photos though.


The next set of dolls are butterfly ring dolls. They are all bald. But the first one, I placed a wig so it would look weird. :)
The dolls face was totally blank when the owner gave it to me. It has indented eyeballs so it quite difficult to repaint it.


The eyes are almost over. I am so totally enjoying repainting this doll!!!

A little lips, blush and throw in some wig! Et voila!!! Here's the finish product!

The next set of dolls have fresh looking make up. Unlike this one which had the smokey eyes effect.



Those were a lot of heads! But the rewards are worth it. Right now, m in a bit of an R and R from customizing. I want to start fixing my own dolls! wahaahhaha... Till next blog! ;)

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